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IBusinessUnitGetBusinessUnitHierarchy Method

Gets business unit hierarchy under given Business unit, or the entire business unit hierarchy of organization.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0
List<BusinessUnit> GetBusinessUnitHierarchy(
	string rootBusinessUnitGuid,
	int options


rootBusinessUnitGuid  String
Unique identifier for the root business unit of the requested hierarchy. This parameter is ignored, if options parameter has EntireHierarchy-bit set.
options  Int32
Bitflag. Each bit of the enum represents a separate option. Use 'Bitwise Or' to specify a combination of options. See BusinessUnitGetOptions enumeration for details and values.

Return Value

List of BusinessUnit objects.
AuthenticationFailureExceptionThe caller could not be authenticated.
NotFoundExceptionBusiness unit could not be found.
GeneralFailureExceptionAny other fault.
There will always be at least one business unit. It is impossible to delete all BusinessUnits in Visma Severa.
See Also