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IItemAddNewItem Method

Adds a new Item.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0
Item AddNewItem(
	Item itemInfo,
	string currencyCode


itemInfo  Item
Item object.

Mandatory data members:

  • Either CaseGUID or CaseNumber. Identifies the case where item is added to.
  • Either ProductGUID or ProductCode or Unitcost and UnitPrice. If GUID or code is given, information from product is used. Otherwise unit price and unit cost are required.
  • Quantity.
  • If UserGUID is given then TaskGUID is needed also. Item will be visible on work hour entry page, and needs to be associated with a phase.

currencyCode  String
ISO currency code, defines the currency of the item.

Return Value

Item object.
NotFoundExceptionCase or product could not be found.
AuthenticationFailureExceptionThe caller could not be authenticated.
GeneralFailureExceptionAny other fault.
If currencycode is not given will use currency from case. If currencycode is not found, then returns an error.
See Also