Case Class |
The Case type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AccountGUID | Account GUID. | |
AccountName | Account name. | |
AccountNumber | Account number. | |
BillingAddress | Not in use. | |
BillingAddressGUID | Case billing address GUID. | |
BillingInternalNotes | Not in use. | |
BillingNotesBeforeGrid | Invoicing notes. | |
BusinessUnitGUID | Business unit GUID of the case. | |
BusinessUnitName | Name of case's Business unit. | |
BusinessUnitNumber | Number of case's Business unit. | |
CaseCompanyCurrencyGUID | GUID of the case's company's currency. This is the base currency of the case. | |
CaseNumber | Case number. | |
CaseOwnerUserCode | Case owner code. | |
CaseOwnerUserGUID | Case owner GUID. | |
ClosedDate | Date when Case was closed. | |
CompletionEstimate | Estimate for how much of the case is complete (percentage of total hours). | |
ContactGUID | Account contact GUID. | |
CostCenterGUID | Identifies case cost center. | |
CostCenterNumber | Case cost center Identifier from Settings. | |
CurrencyGUID | GUID of the invoicing currency of the case. | |
CurrencyShortform | The ISO code of the case's invoicing currency. | |
CurrencyShortformOfCaseCompanyCurrency | The ISO code of the case's company's currency. | |
CurrentCaseStatusDescription | Description of the current status of the case. | |
CurrentCaseStatusGUID | Identifies the current status of the case. | |
CurrentCaseStatusInsertTs | The time in UTC when the case got its current status. | |
DeadlineDate | The deadline date for the case (read only). | |
Description | Description / Notes of the Case. | |
ExpectedValue | Expected value in the case's company's currency. The value is stored in case's invoicing currency, but recalculated for SOAP. Therefore on currency rate changes for some of these currencies, value may change. | |
GUID | Unique identifier of Case. | |
IncludeExceptions | OBSOLETED: Pricelists in Severa 3 are changed in structure, so exceptions for Phases, Users and Work types are handled different way. Case.IncludeExceptions is not used at all. | |
IncludeOverTime | Defines if overtime multiplier is used when work hours are invoiced. | |
InsertTs | Timestamp when Case was inserted. | |
InternalName | Case short name. | |
InvoiceTemplateGUID | Invoice template GUID. | |
IsClosed | Case open or closed. | |
IsDailyAllowanceBillable | Defines if per diem travel entries are invoiced from the customer. | |
IsInternal | Identifies if the case is customer case or internal case. | |
IsMileageBillable | Defines if mileage travel entries are invoiced from the customer. | |
IsOtherTravelExpensesBillable | Defines if other travel expense entries are invoiced from the customer. | |
LatestEstimationDate | Not in use. | |
LeadRating | Not in use. | |
LeadSourceGUID | Lead source GUID. | |
Name | Case name. | |
OrderNumber | Order number of the Case. | |
OurReference | Our reference. | |
OverdueInterest | Not in use. | |
PaymentTerm | Payment term of the Case. | |
PricelistGUID | Price list GUID of the Case. | |
PricingRule | Not in use. | |
PricingType | OBSOLETED: Pricelists in Severa 3 are changed in structure, so exceptions for Phases, Users and Work types are handled different way. Case.PricingType is not used at all. | |
Priority | Not in use. | |
Probability | Sales probability of the case. | |
RootTaskGUID | Identifies the phase (task), which is the root of the Case. | |
SalesCloseDate | Sales close date of the case. | |
SalesPersonUserCode | Sales person Code. | |
SalesPersonUserGUID | Sales person User GUID. | |
SalesProcessGUID | Identifies the sales process of the case. | |
SalesStatusGUID | Sales status GUID. | |
SharedToExtranet | True when the case is shared in Extranet. | |
StartDate | The start date for the case (read only). | |
UpdatedTs | Timestamp when Case was last updated. | |
UrlToCase | Direct URL to the case. | |
UseDefaultProductsInWorkTimeEntry | Setting to have products from Settings available when users are making work hour entries to case. | |
UseDefaultWorkTypes | Setting to have work types from Settings available when users are making work hour entries to case. | |
YourReference | Your reference. |