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FinvoiceExportTSplitString Method

Divides string to multiple "rows". Each row has a max string length and there is also a max row count. So the whole string might not fit and it get truncated.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0
protected virtual List<string> SplitString(
	string text,
	int textMaxLength,
	int maxRepetition,
	int textMinLength = 0


text  String
Text to split
textMaxLength  Int32
Max length of individual text "row"
maxRepetition  Int32
Max number of "rows"
textMinLength  Int32  (Optional)
Minimum length of the field. Gets padded with spaces to fill in the minimum requirement of the field

Return Value

Your text split to multiple "rows". Returns null if null string is given.
Somehow the XSD exporters don't extract the max repetition constraint. With that we could totally automate this. At least for Finvoice where this kind of thing is a norm
See Also