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User Class

Represents a User.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class User

The User type exposes the following members.

Public methodUserInitializes a new instance of the User class
Public propertyAddressline Address for the User.
Public propertyBankAccountNumber Bank account number of the User.
Public propertyBusinessUnitCode Code for the business unit of the User.
Public propertyBusinessUnitGUID Unique identifier for the business unit of the User.
Public propertyBusinessUnitName Name of the business unit of the User.
Public propertyCode Code for the User.
Public propertyCountryCode Code for the country of the User.
Public propertyCountryGUID Unique identifier for the country of the User.
Public propertyCountryRegionGUID Unique identifier for the country region of the User.
Public propertyCountryRegionName Country region name for the User.
Public propertyCulture ISO culture code for the User
Public propertyDefaultActivityTypeGUID Unique identifier for the default activity type of the User.
Public propertyEmail Email address of the User. Ignored on update.
Public propertyFirstName First name of the User.
Public propertyGUID Unique identifier for the User.
Public propertyIsActive Indicates if this User is active.
Public propertyLanguageCode Code for the language of the User.
Public propertyLanguageGUID Unique identifier for the language of the User.
Public propertyLastName Last name of the User.
Public propertyLicenseType The license type the user has. It's one of following: FullUser, Employee, RestrictedEmployee, Subcontractor. Ignored on Add and Update.
Public propertyNotes Notes for the User.
Public propertyOrganizationGUID Unique identifier for the organization.
Public propertyPhone Phone number of the User.
Public propertyPhotoFileGUID Unique identifier for the phote file of the User.
Public propertyPostalCode Postal code for the User.
Public propertyPostOffice Post office for the User.
Public propertyProfileGUID Unique identifier for the profile of the User.
Public propertySalutation Salutation of the User.
Public propertySendDailyMail Indicates if the daily email is sent to the User.
Public propertySendWeeklyMail Incicates if the weekly email is sent to the User.
Public propertySocialSecurityNumber Social security number of the User.
Public propertySuperiorUserGUID Unique identifier for the superior User (supervisor).
Public propertyTimezoneGUID Unique identifier for the timezone of the User.
Public propertyTitle Title of the User.
Public propertyWorktypeGUID Unique identifier for the default work type of the User.
See Also