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Severa.Entities.API Namespace

Severa API data contracts and data members
  Class Description
Public class AccessRights Represents access rights to different things.
Public class AccessRightsProfile Represents an access rights profile.
Public class Account Represents an account
Public class AccountGroup Account group, can be related to Account.
Public class AccountTiny Represents a tiny fraction of information in an Account.
Public class Activity Represents an Activity, which is a calendar entry.
Public class ActivityParticipant Represents a participant in an Activity. Can be a user, contact or resource.
Public class ActivityType Represents an Activity type.
Public class Address Represents an Address of an Account/Company.
Public class BillingAndExpenseForecast Represents billing and expense forecast, which is given to cases.
Public class BusinessUnit Represents a Business unit.
Public class Case Represents Case (project).
Public class CaseCriteria Represents search criteria to limit cases returned.
Public class CaseStatus Represents a Case status type.
Public class Company Represents a Company.
Public class Contact Represents an Account contact person.
Public class ContactCommunicationMethod Represents a communication method (eg. phone, email) for a contact
Public class CostAccount Represents a cost accounts.
Public class CostCenter Represents a cost center.
Public class Country Represents a country.
Public class Currency Represents a currency.
Public class Customer Represents a customer which combines account and company in one type.
Public class CustomerCriteria Represents a criteria to limit customers returned.
Public class Employment Represents a work contract for a user.
Public class ExtranetCase Contains Extranet specific details of a case.
Public class ExtranetCaseRights Specifies which permissions has been granted to the case.
Public class ExtranetContact Contains Extranet specific details of a contact.
Public class ExtranetContactCaseRights Contains Extranet contact's permissions to case.
Public class ExtranetContactRights Speficies which permissions has been granted to the contact.
Public class File Represents a class that contains details of a file.
Public class Finvoice Invoice in Finvoice XML format. Invoice GUID also available.
Public class FlatRate Represents a class which contains flat rate pricing details.
Public class HourEntry Represents a work hour entry.
Public class Industry Represents an industry sector type that can be assigned to an account.
Public class Invoice Invoice, containing invoice rows, settings etc.
Public class InvoiceBankAccount Represents a Bank account on invoice.
Public class InvoiceBuyerOrganization Represents an invoice buyer organization, meaning account / customer.
Public class InvoiceConfig Class to contain read-only invoice configuration / settings data.
Public class InvoiceDetails Represents invoice details.
Public class InvoiceFile Represents a file attached to an invoice.
Public class InvoiceInformation Represents simple editable invoice. Used when wanting to create a new invoice, that contains certain items.
Public class InvoiceOriginDetails Represents a class which contains origin details of an invoice. Answers to question: What data was processed to create the invoice rows.
Public class InvoiceOriginDetailsCaseDetails Represents a class which contains case and its phases contained on the invoice.
Public class InvoiceOriginDetailsInvoiceRowOrigin Represents class which stores invoice row's identifier and origins for the invoice row.
Public class InvoicePostAddress Represents an invoice postal address.
Public class InvoiceRow Represents an invoice row.
Public class InvoiceSellerContact Represents an invoice seller contact (invoice sender).
Public class InvoiceSellerOrganization Represents an invoice seller organization (invoice sender).
Public class InvoiceStatus Represents an invoice status.
Public class InvoiceVat Represents an invoice VAT.
Public class Item Represents an item.
Public class Language Represents a language.
Public class LeadSource Represents a lead source.
Public class OverTime Represents an overtime rate.
Public class Phase Represents a Phase of a case.
Public class PhaseTreeNode Base information about phase of a case together with child phases.
Public class Pricelist Represents a pricelist.
Public class Product Represents a product.
Public class ProductBase Base class for Products and Travel expenses.
Public class ProductCategory Represents a Product category, which is used to categorize individual products by their types.
Public class Resource Represents a resource.
Public class ResourceAllocation Represents an allocation of a users time to a case or a specific phase of a case.
Public class SalesProcess Represents a sales process.
Public class SalesStatus Represents a sales status.
Public class SeveraFinvoice Invoice represented in Finvoice XML format, and invoice GUID.
Public class Tag Represents a Tag, which is Keyword.
Public class TaskTreeItem Represents a summary of a task and its position in a task tree.
Public class TimeEntry Represents a time entry.
Public class Timezone Represents a timezone.
Public class TravelExpense Represents a travel expense
Public class TravelReimbursement Repsesent a Travel reimbursement.
Public class TravelReimbursementRow Represents a travel reimbursement row, which is basically an item.
Public class TravelReimbursementStatus Represents a travel reimbursement status.
Public class User Represents a User.
Public class UserRights Represents user's access rights.
Public class WorkDayActivity Represents an activity on workday.
Public class WorkDayInfo Represents workday info.
Public class WorkType Represents a work type.
  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AccountRight Access rights options for accounts.
Public enumeration AdministratorRight Access rights options for administration.
Public enumeration CaseRight Access rights options for cases.
Public enumeration ItemBillingScheduleEnum Billing schedule tells when the item will be billable.
Public enumeration ItemRecurrenceEndTypeEnum Recurring item's end type tells when the recurring item will no longer be billed from customer.
Public enumeration ScheduleJobsRight  
Public enumeration TravelReimbursementRight Access rights options for travel reimbursement.
Public enumeration UsersRight Access rights options for users.
Public enumeration WorkHourApprovalRight Access rights options for work hour approval.