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HourEntry Class

Represents a work hour entry.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class HourEntry

The HourEntry type exposes the following members.

Public methodHourEntryInitializes a new instance of the HourEntry class
Public propertyAccountGUID Unique identifier for the hour entry's case's account. When hour entry will be sent to server then this will be ignored.
Public propertyCaseBusinessUnitCode The code of the project's business unit that this hour entry is associated with.
Public propertyCaseCostCenterIdentifier The identifier of the project's cost center that this hour entry is associated with.
Public propertyCaseGUID Unique identifier for the hour entry's case.
Public propertyCaseName The name of the project that this hour entry is associated with.
Public propertyCaseNumber The number of the project that this hour entry is associated with.
Public propertyCostCurrencyShortform The ISO code of the cost's currency in case's company's currency.
Public propertyCostCurrencyShortformOfInvoicingCurrency The ISO code of the cost's currency in case's invoicing currency.
Public propertyCostCurrencyShortformOfOrganizationCurrency The ISO code of the cost's currency in organization's currency.
Public propertyCostCurrencyShortformOfUserCompanyCurrency The ISO code of the cost's currency in user's company's currency.
Public propertyDescription Hour entry's description.
Public propertyEndTime Hour entrys end time is used in reporting. Not used when inserting hour entries through API to calculate quantity.
Public propertyEventDate Hour entry's date.
Public propertyGUID Unique identifier for the hour entry.
Public propertyInvoiceDescription Hour entry's invoice description.
Public propertyInvoiceGUID Unique identifier for the hour entry's invoice.
Public propertyInvoiceQuantity Hour entry's invoicing quantity. This can be used to update the invoicing quantity when UseInvoiceQuantity is true.
Public propertyInvoiceRowGUID Unique identifier for the hour entry's invoicerow.
Public propertyIsApproved Is hour entry approved True/False. Ignored on Add and Update.
Public propertyIsBillable Is hour entry billable True/False.
Public propertyIsProductive Is hour entry productive True/False.
Public propertyIsReadOnly Not in use.
Public propertyOvertimeCode The code of the overtime type. Will be ignored on add and update.
Public propertyOverTimeGUID Unique identifier for the hour entry's overtime type.
Public propertyPhaseGUID Hour entry's phase's unique identifier.
Public propertyPriceCurrencyShortformOfCaseCompanyCurrency The ISO code of the price's currency in case's company's currency.
Public propertyPriceCurrencyShortformOfInvoicingCurrency The ISO code of the price's currency in case's invoicing currency.
Public propertyPriceCurrencyShortformOfOrganizationCurrency The ISO code of the price's currency in organization's currency.
Public propertyPriceCurrencyShortformOfUserCompanyCurrency The ISO code of the pricet's currency in user's company's currency.
Public propertyQuantity Hour entry's quantity.
Public propertyStartTime Hour entry's start time is used in reporting. Not used when inserting hour entries through API to calculate quantity.
Public propertyTaskGUID OBSOLETE. Use PhaseGUID instead.
Public propertyUnitCost Hour entry's unit cost in case's company's currency.
Public propertyUnitCostInInvoicingCurrency Unit cost in case's invoicing currency.
Public propertyUnitCostInOrganizationCurrency Unit cost in organization's currency.
Public propertyUnitCostInUserCompanyCurrency Unit cost in user's company's currency.
Public propertyUnitPrice Hour entry's unit price.
Public propertyUnitPriceInBaseCurrency Unit price in organization's currency
Public propertyUnitPriceInCaseCompanyCurrency Unit price in case's company currency.
Public propertyUnitPriceInUserCompanyCurrency Unit price in user's company's currency.
Public propertyUseInvoiceQuantity Set this to true when you want to update the invoicing quantity.
Public propertyUserBusinessUnitCode The code business unit of the user whose hour entry this is.
Public propertyUserCode The code of the user whose hour entry this is.
Public propertyUserFirstName The first name of the user whose hour entry this is.
Public propertyUserGUID Unique identifier for the user whose entry this is.
Public propertyUserLastName The last name of the user whose hour entry this is.
Public propertyWorkTypeCode The code of the work type unit that this hour entry is associated with.
Public propertyWorkTypeGUID Unique identifier for the hour entry's worktype.
See Also