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Customer Class

Represents a customer which combines account and company in one type.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class Customer

The Customer type exposes the following members.

Public methodCustomerInitializes a new instance of the Customer class
Public propertyAccountGroupGUIDs Collection unique identifiers for the account groups that this account belongs to.
Public propertyAccountOwnerUserGUID Unique identifier for the user who is account owner.
Public propertyAccountRating Number of stars (0-5) given to the account.
Public propertyAnnualRevenue Company annual revenue. Deprecated, please use AnnualRevenue2.
Public propertyAnnualRevenue2 Company annual revenue.
Public propertyCompanyGUID Unique identifier representing the company information of an account.
Public propertyCurrencyCode ISO 4217 Currency Code for the currency object associated with this account.
Public propertyCurrencyGUID Unique identifier for the currency object associated with this account.
Public propertyeInvoiceAddress Finnish Finvoice online invoice address for this account
Public propertyeInvoiceOperator Finnish Finvoice online invoice operator for this account.
Public propertyEmail Company general e-mail address.
Public propertyEmployees Number of employees in the company.
Public propertyGUID Unique identifier for the account.
Public propertyHeadOfficeAddressGUID Unique identifier for the address object for the head office associated with the this company.
Public propertyIndustryGUID Unique identifier for the Industry object.
Public propertyInsertTS Timestamp of when account was created.
Public propertyInvoicingVat Invoicing VAT percentage. Given VAT percent must be found in API user's company.
Public propertyIsActive Account active or inactive.
Public propertyIsInternal Internal accounts in Visma Severa represents the ogranization itself.
Public propertyLanguageCode IETF language tag for the language associated with this account.
Public propertyLanguageGUID Unique identifier for the language object associated with this account.
Public propertyName Account name.
Public propertyNotes Account notes.
Public propertyNumber Account number.
Public propertyOverdueInterest The default overdue interest percentage.
Public propertyPaymentTerm The default term of payment (in days) for this account when creating a new invoice.
Public propertyPricelistGUID Unique identifier for the price list object associated with this account.
Public propertyReverseCharge Reverse charge setting for invoices made for the account. Reverse charge is set for the invoice sender country of the API user's company.
Public propertyReverseChargeDescription Reverse charge description for invoices made for the account. Reverse charge description is set for the invoice sender country of the API user's company.
Public propertyTimezoneGUID Unique identifier for the time zone object associated with this company.
Public propertyUpdatedTS Timestamp of when account was last updated.
Public propertyUrlToAccount Direct URL to the account.
Public propertyVatNumber VAT number for the company.
Public propertyWebsite Company website URL.
See Also