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BillingAndExpenseForecast Class

Represents billing and expense forecast, which is given to cases.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class BillingAndExpenseForecast

The BillingAndExpenseForecast type exposes the following members.

Public methodBillingAndExpenseForecastInitializes a new instance of the BillingAndExpenseForecast class
Public propertyBillingForecast Billing forecast.
Public propertyExpenseForecast Expense forecast.
Public propertyGUID Unique identifier for the billing and expense forecast.
Public propertyInhouseRevenueForecast Inhouse revenue forecast. This value is available only when Revenue Recognition add-on is active.
Public propertyMonth Month of the year for the billing and expense forecast.
Public propertyNotes Notes.
Public propertyOutsourcingRevenueForecast Outsourcing revenue forecast. This value is available only when Revenue Recognition add-on is active.
Public propertyYear Year for the billing and expense forecast.
See Also