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TravelReimbursement Class

Repsesent a Travel reimbursement.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class TravelReimbursement

The TravelReimbursement type exposes the following members.

Public methodTravelReimbursementInitializes a new instance of the TravelReimbursement class
Public propertyAdvancePayment Amount of advance payment paid for the travel reimbursement.
Public propertyApprovalDate Approved Date of the travel reimbursement.
Public propertyApprovedByUserGUID Approved by user of the travel reimbursment.
Public propertyCurrencyGUID Currency of the travel reimbursement.
Public propertyCurrencyShortform Currency code of the travel reimbursement.
Public propertyGUID Unique identifier for the travel reimbursement.
Public propertyNotes Notes for the travel reimbursement.
Public propertyNumber Number of the travel reimbursement.
Public propertyTotalAmount Total of the travel reimbursement, excl. VAT and excluding advance payment.
Public propertyTotalVatIncludedAmount Total of the travel reimbursement, including VAT and advance payment.
Public propertyTravelReimbursementRows A set of travel imbursement rows for travel reimbursement
Public propertyTravelReimbursementStatus Name of the travel reimbursement status.
Public propertyUserGUID Unique identifier of the user for whom this travel reimbursement is.
Public fieldDate Date of the travel reimbursement.
See Also