Item Class |
The Item type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
BillingDependencyTaskGUID | Item's billing depency task (phase) unique identifier. | |
BillingSchedule | Billing schedule of this item. | |
CaseGUID | Unique identifier for case, this item belongs to. | |
CaseNumber | Number of the case, this item belongs to. | |
CostCenterGUID | Unique identifier for cost center of this item. | |
CostCenterIdentifier | Identifier for cost center of this item. | |
CostCurrencyShortform | The ISO code of the cost's currency in case's company's currency. | |
CostCurrencyShortformOfInvoicingCurrency | The ISO code of the cost's currency in case's invoicing currency. | |
CostCurrencyShortformOfOrganizationCurrency | The ISO code of the cost's currency in organization's currency. | |
CostCurrencyShortformOfUserCompanyCurrency | The ISO code of the cost's currency in user's company's currency. | |
Description | Description for this item. | |
DisplayPeriodStart | Recurring item: Display period start date. | |
EventDate | Date of the item. | |
GUID | ||
InvoiceDescription | Item's invoice description. | |
InvoiceGUID | Unique identifier for the invoice this item belongs to. | |
InvoiceQuantity | Invoiced quantity. Usually the same as Quantity. | |
InvoiceRowGUID | Unique identifier for the invoice row of the invoice this item belongs to. | |
IsApproved | Not in use. | |
IsBillable | Is item billable True/False. | |
IsOutSourcingCost | Not in use. | |
IsReadOnly | Not in use. | |
IsRealised | Not in use. | |
MeasurementUnit | Unit which this item is measured in. | |
Name | Name of this item. | |
OrderDate | Not in use. | |
PlannedBillingDate | Planned billing date of this item. | |
PriceCurrencyShortformOfCaseCompanyCurrency | The ISO code of the price's currency in case's company's currency. | |
PriceCurrencyShortformOfInvoicingCurrency | The ISO code of the price's currency in case's invoicing currency. | |
PriceCurrencyShortformOfOrganizationCurrency | The ISO code of the price's currency in organization's currency. | |
PriceCurrencyShortformOfUserCompanyCurrency | The ISO code of the pricet's currency in user's company's currency. | |
ProductCode | Code of the product of this item. | |
ProductGUID | Unique identifier of product of this item. | |
ProductType | Using product types makes it possible to differenciate from what kind of invoicing the projects consist of. There are three options to choose from. | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | Not in use. | |
PurchaseVAT | VAT percent of the cost of this item. Given VAT percent must be found in User's company. UnitCost does not include VAT. | |
Quantity | Quantity of the item. How many items are entered to the system. | |
RecurrenceEndDate | Recurring item: Recurrence end date. | |
RecurrenceEndType | Recurring item: See RecurrenceEndTypeEnum. | |
RecurrenceFrequency | Recurring item frequency: Number of months in the recurrence cycle. | |
RecurrenceStartDate | Recurring item: Recurrence start date. | |
RecurrenceTimes | Recurring item: Number of recurrences. | |
RecurringItemGUID | Item's recurring item unique identifier. | |
SalesAccountGUID | Unique identifier for the sales account this item belongs to. | |
SalesStatusGUID | Unique identifier for sales status of this item. | |
TaskGUID | Unique identifier for the task (phase) this item belongs to. | |
TravelEndTime | Travel end time in the timezone of the user who entered the value. | |
TravelStartTime | Travel start time in the timezone of the user who entered the value. | |
UnitCost | Unit cost of a single unit in case's company's currency, the money we have to pay out when getting this. UnitCost does not include VAT. | |
UnitCostInInvoicingCurrency | Unit cost in case's invoicing currency. | |
UnitCostInOrganizationCurrency | Unit cost in organization's currency. | |
UnitCostInUserCompanyCurrency | Unit cost in user's company's currency. | |
UnitCostVatIncludedAmount | Unit cost of a single unit in case's company's currency, the money we have to pay out when getting this. UnitCost does not include VAT. This read-only field is available only when managing travel reimbursements. | |
UnitPrice | Unit price of a single unit in case's invoicing currency, the money we ask for the customer when selling this. UnitPrice does not include VAT. | |
UnitPriceInBaseCurrency | Unit price in base currency (of the case). Usually same as UnitPrice, unless UnitPrice is in different currency than case is using. | |
UnitPriceInCaseCompanyCurrency | Unit price in case's company currency. | |
UnitPriceInUserCompanyCurrency | Unit price in user's company's currency. | |
UserCode | Code for the user whose item this is. | |
UserGUID | Unique identifier for the user whose item this is. | |
VAT | VAT percent of the price of this item, used when item is invoiced. Given VAT percent must be found in Case's company. UnitPrice does not include VAT. |