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Item Class

Represents an item.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class Item

The Item type exposes the following members.

Public methodItemInitializes a new instance of the Item class
Public propertyBillingDependencyTaskGUID Item's billing depency task (phase) unique identifier.
Public propertyBillingSchedule Billing schedule of this item.
Public propertyCaseGUID Unique identifier for case, this item belongs to.
Public propertyCaseNumber Number of the case, this item belongs to.
Public propertyCostCenterGUID Unique identifier for cost center of this item.
Public propertyCostCenterIdentifier Identifier for cost center of this item.
Public propertyCostCurrencyShortform The ISO code of the cost's currency in case's company's currency.
Public propertyCostCurrencyShortformOfInvoicingCurrency The ISO code of the cost's currency in case's invoicing currency.
Public propertyCostCurrencyShortformOfOrganizationCurrency The ISO code of the cost's currency in organization's currency.
Public propertyCostCurrencyShortformOfUserCompanyCurrency The ISO code of the cost's currency in user's company's currency.
Public propertyDescription Description for this item.
Public propertyDisplayPeriodStart Recurring item: Display period start date.
Public propertyEventDate Date of the item.
Public propertyGUID 
Public propertyInvoiceDescription Item's invoice description.
Public propertyInvoiceGUID Unique identifier for the invoice this item belongs to.
Public propertyInvoiceQuantity Invoiced quantity. Usually the same as Quantity.
Public propertyInvoiceRowGUID Unique identifier for the invoice row of the invoice this item belongs to.
Public propertyIsApproved Not in use.
Public propertyIsBillable Is item billable True/False.
Public propertyIsOutSourcingCost Not in use.
Public propertyIsReadOnly Not in use.
Public propertyIsRealised Not in use.
Public propertyMeasurementUnit Unit which this item is measured in.
Public propertyName Name of this item.
Public propertyOrderDate Not in use.
Public propertyPlannedBillingDate Planned billing date of this item.
Public propertyPriceCurrencyShortformOfCaseCompanyCurrency The ISO code of the price's currency in case's company's currency.
Public propertyPriceCurrencyShortformOfInvoicingCurrency The ISO code of the price's currency in case's invoicing currency.
Public propertyPriceCurrencyShortformOfOrganizationCurrency The ISO code of the price's currency in organization's currency.
Public propertyPriceCurrencyShortformOfUserCompanyCurrency The ISO code of the pricet's currency in user's company's currency.
Public propertyProductCode Code of the product of this item.
Public propertyProductGUID Unique identifier of product of this item.
Public propertyProductType Using product types makes it possible to differenciate from what kind of invoicing the projects consist of. There are three options to choose from.
Public propertyPurchaseOrderNumber Not in use.
Public propertyPurchaseVAT VAT percent of the cost of this item. Given VAT percent must be found in User's company. UnitCost does not include VAT.
Public propertyQuantity Quantity of the item. How many items are entered to the system.
Public propertyRecurrenceEndDate Recurring item: Recurrence end date.
Public propertyRecurrenceEndType Recurring item: See RecurrenceEndTypeEnum.
Public propertyRecurrenceFrequency Recurring item frequency: Number of months in the recurrence cycle.
Public propertyRecurrenceStartDate Recurring item: Recurrence start date.
Public propertyRecurrenceTimes Recurring item: Number of recurrences.
Public propertyRecurringItemGUID Item's recurring item unique identifier.
Public propertySalesAccountGUID Unique identifier for the sales account this item belongs to.
Public propertySalesStatusGUID Unique identifier for sales status of this item.
Public propertyTaskGUID Unique identifier for the task (phase) this item belongs to.
Public propertyTravelEndTime Travel end time in the timezone of the user who entered the value.
Public propertyTravelStartTime Travel start time in the timezone of the user who entered the value.
Public propertyUnitCost Unit cost of a single unit in case's company's currency, the money we have to pay out when getting this. UnitCost does not include VAT.
Public propertyUnitCostInInvoicingCurrency Unit cost in case's invoicing currency.
Public propertyUnitCostInOrganizationCurrency Unit cost in organization's currency.
Public propertyUnitCostInUserCompanyCurrency Unit cost in user's company's currency.
Public propertyUnitCostVatIncludedAmount Unit cost of a single unit in case's company's currency, the money we have to pay out when getting this. UnitCost does not include VAT. This read-only field is available only when managing travel reimbursements.
Public propertyUnitPrice Unit price of a single unit in case's invoicing currency, the money we ask for the customer when selling this. UnitPrice does not include VAT.
Public propertyUnitPriceInBaseCurrency Unit price in base currency (of the case). Usually same as UnitPrice, unless UnitPrice is in different currency than case is using.
Public propertyUnitPriceInCaseCompanyCurrency Unit price in case's company currency.
Public propertyUnitPriceInUserCompanyCurrency Unit price in user's company's currency.
Public propertyUserCode Code for the user whose item this is.
Public propertyUserGUID Unique identifier for the user whose item this is.
Public propertyVAT VAT percent of the price of this item, used when item is invoiced. Given VAT percent must be found in Case's company. UnitPrice does not include VAT.
See Also