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InvoiceRow Class

Represents an invoice row.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class InvoiceRow

The InvoiceRow type exposes the following members.

Public methodInvoiceRowInitializes a new instance of the InvoiceRow class
Public propertyarticleIdentifier Invoice row article identifier.
Public propertyarticleName Invoice row article name.
Public propertyCaseGUIDs Invoicerow unique identifiers of cases
Public propertydeliveredQuantity Invoice row quantity.
Public propertyEventDate Invoice row event date.
Public propertyGUID Unique identifier for the invoice row.
Public propertyHourGUIDs Invoicerow unique identifiers of hours
Public propertyItemGUIDs Invoicerow unique identifiers of items
Public propertyMainCaseGUID Unique identifier of the main case which is invoiced on this invoice row.
Public propertyMainCaseName Name of the main case which is invoiced on this invoice row.
Public propertyMainCaseNumber Number of the main case which is invoiced on this invoice row.
Public propertyMainUserFullName Name of the main user on the invoice row.
Public propertyMainUserGUID Unique identifier of the main user on the invoice row.
Public propertyPhaseGUIDsUnique identifiers of phases on invoice row.
Public propertyProductGUIDs Invoicerow unique identifiers of products
Public propertyquantityUnitCode Invoice row measurement unit of quantity.
Public propertyrowAccountDimensionText Invoicerow account dimension text.
Public propertyrowAmount Invoice row VAT included total.
Public propertyrowAmountCurrencyIdentifier Invoice row's row total currency identifier.
Public propertyrowCostAmount Total cost, without VAT, of the invoice row. To get unit cost divide by deliveredQuantity.
Public propertyrowCostCenterGUID The identifier of the cost center.
Public propertyrowCostCenterName Invoicerow costcenter name
Public propertyrowCostCenterNumber Invoicerow costcenter number
Public propertyrowDeliveryDate Not in use.
Public propertyrowFreeText Invoice row title.
Public propertyrowIdentifier Unique identifier for the invoice row.
Public propertyrowNumber Invoice row row number.
Public propertyrowRecurringSalesAccountNumber Invoicerow recurring salesaccount number
Public propertyrowSalesAccountNumber Invoicerow salesaccount number
Public propertyrowSalesReceivableAccountNumber Invoice row sales receivable account number.
Public propertyrowUnitPrice Invoice row unit price in 2decimals.
Public propertyrowUnitPricePrecise Invoice row unit price in 4decimals.
Public propertyrowVatAccountNumber Invoicerow VAT account number.
Public propertyrowVatAmount Invoice row VAT amount.
Public propertyrowVatCode Invoice row VAT code.
Public propertyrowVatCurrencyIdentifier Invoice row VAT currency identifier.
Public propertyrowVatExcludedAmount Invoicerow VAT exluded total.
Public propertyrowVatExcludedCurrencyIdentifier Invoice row VAT exclued currency identifier.
Public propertyrowVatRatePercent Invoicerow VAT percent.
Public propertyTravelExpenseGUIDs Invoicerow unique identifiers of travel expenses
Public propertyunitPriceAmount Invoice row unit price in 2decimals.
Public propertyunitPriceAmountPrecise Invoice row unit price in 4decimals.
Public propertyunitPriceCurrencyIdentifier Invoicerow currency identifier.
Public propertyUserGUIDs Invoicerow unique identifiers of users
See Also