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Activity Class

Represents an Activity, which is a calendar entry.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class Activity

The Activity type exposes the following members.

Public methodActivityInitializes a new instance of the Activity class
Public propertyAccountGUID Identifies the Account that the Activity is associated with.
Public propertyActivityTypeCode The code of the activity type. Will be ignored on add and update.
Public propertyActivityTypeGUID Identifies the type of this Activity.
Public propertyCaseGUID Identifies the project that this Activity is associated with.
Public propertyEndDateTime End date and time for the activity.
Public propertyGUID Unique identifier for the Activity.
Public propertyIsAllDay Indicates if the activity is an all day activity.
Public propertyIsClosed Indicates if the activity has been completed.
Public propertyIsDuration Indicates if the activity has a time duration.
Public propertyIsPrivate Indicates if the activity is Private.
Public propertyIsReadOnly Indicates if the activity is read-only. A read-only activity cannot be updated or deleted.
Public propertyIsUnassigned Indicates if the activity is unassigned.
Public propertyLocation Location of the Activity.
Public propertyName Name of the Activity.
Public propertyNotes Notes for the Activity.
Public propertyOwnerUserBusinessUnitCode The code of the business unit of the user that owns this activity.
Public propertyOwnerUserCode The code of the user that owns this activity.
Public propertyOwnerUserFirstName The first name of the user that owns this activity.
Public propertyOwnerUserGUID Identifies the user that owns this Activity.
Public propertyOwnerUserLastName The last name of the user that owns this activity.
Public propertyStartDateTime Start date and time of the activity.
Public propertyTaskGUID Identifies the Task that this Activity is associated with.
See Also