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CaseCriteria Class

Represents search criteria to limit cases returned.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class CaseCriteria

The CaseCriteria type exposes the following members.

Public methodCaseCriteriaInitializes a new instance of the CaseCriteria class
Public propertyInternalName Filter the cases with specific internal name (aka short name). The filter is case insensitive.
Public propertyOnlyActiveCases True to return only active cases.
Public propertyOnlyCustomerCases True to return only customer cases.
Public propertyOnlyInactiveCases True to return only inactive cases.
Public propertyOnlyInternalCases True to return only internal cases.
Public propertySalesProcess Get cases which are in specific sales process: InProgress, Won, Lost, NotSelected. NotSelected means that case does not have sales process defined. It's possible to use multiple statuses by separating them by comma, e.g. "Won,NotSelected", which means that all projects which has Won sales status or does not have sales process defined will be returned.
Public propertyTags Filter the cases with tags (keywords). When the filter has multiple tags then returns cases which has all required tags. The tag search is performed as like search meaning that when the tag contains the filter's text then it's a match. The filter is case insensitive.
See Also