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AccessRights Class

Represents access rights to different things.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Severa.Entities.API
Assembly: Severa.Entities.API (in Severa.Entities.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+20275c6cef4601c15169f89cd31dd1da3f900c48
public class AccessRights

The AccessRights type exposes the following members.

Public methodAccessRightsInitializes a new instance of the AccessRights class
Public propertyAccount Access rights to accounts.
Public propertyAccountDelete Specifies whether the deleting accounts is allowed or not.
Public propertyAdministrator Access rights to organization settings and upgrades.
Public propertyCase Access rights to cases.
Public propertyCaseDelete Specifies whether the deleting cases is allowed or not.
Public propertyCaseOwnerWorkHourApproval Specifies whether the the case owner is allowed to approve work hours or not.
Public propertyHighestAccessibleInvoiceStatusName Tells the name of the last invoice status that is editable for the user. Statuses, which have sort order bigger than this status has, can’t be edited. User can view invoices regardless of their status, based on other access rights.
Public propertyScheduleJobs Access rights to Schedule jobs
Public propertySharing Specifies whether report or dashboard sharing is allowed or not.
Public propertyTravelReimbursement Access rights to travel reimbursement.
Public propertyUsers Access rights to users.
Public propertyWorkHourApproval Access rights to work hour approval.
  • This is used for AccessRightsProfile and for UserRights.
  • When API returns AccessRightsProfile, each property has a value.
  • When a new AccessRightsProfile is added and property's value is not set, default right (usually None) will be used.
  • When an existing AccessRightsProfile is updated, only the properties that has a value set will be updated.
  • When API returns UserRights, only those properties has a value which have been specifically set for the user.
  • When API returns UserRights and property is null (Nothing), the user will inherit the right from user's access rights profile.
  • When UserRights is used for update, only those properties that has a value set, will be used for user.
  • When UserRights is used for update and a property is null (Nothing), the user's right will be removed (if it existed) and therefore user will inherit the right from user's access rights profile.
See Also