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IContact Interface

Contains the Contanct operations exposed by the API service.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+cc2a5357b8231e24c5fd7606bb1e71a1374ad1e9
public interface IContact

The IContact type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddNewContact Adds a new Contact.
Public methodDeleteContact Deletes an contact.
Public methodGetContactByGUID Gets a Contact by GUID.
Public methodGetContactsByAccountGUID Gets all contacts of an account.
Public methodGetContactsByCommunicationMethodType Gets contacts by CommunicationMethodType and its value.
Public methodGetContactsChangedSince Gets contacts that have been added or updated after given time.
Public methodUpdateContact Updates a contact.
See Also