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Severa.API Namespace

Severa API services and operations
  Class Description
Public class AuthenticationFailureException System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of AuthenticationFailureException) is thrown when user can't be authenticated with the API key which is used in the integration. This can happen for example when:
  • API key has been updated in Visma Severa, and the new API key is not in use in the integration.
  • User doesn't have API enabled.
  • User doesn't have API access right.
  • Organization doesn't have API add-on.
  • User is inactive.
Public class CacheForPhaseConverter  
Public class CacheForTimeEntry Calculating the GUID takes some time and these are usually good cache hits within the organization. Just make sure you don't hold on to this for more than one search for security reasons. Also serves as a small string cache :)
Public class Finvoice12UnitPriceFormattingStrategy  
Public class FinvoiceExportT  
Public class FinvoiceFieldMaximumLengthStrategy Represents a base class for determining the maximum length of fields in Finvoice using Chain of Responsibility pattern.
Public class FinvoiceFreeTextFormatter  
Public class FinvoiceWriter Finvoice is almost XML. You can Google the SNL sketch "Almost pizza". Finvoice forces some really strict rules on the XML that we need to follow.
Public class GeneralFailureException System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of GeneralFailureException) is thrown when there is a failure in the API call. This can happen for example when:
  • Parameter, that is needed, is given but is incorrect.
  • "Read only" information is tried to be modified when updating entity.
  • New entity is added so that it has a GUID.
Public class NoPermissionException System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of NoPermissionException) is thrown when the API user doesn't have required access rights to perform some action. This can happen for example when:
  • API user's access rights have changed.
  • User is trying to get data that is related to many entities, but user has access right to only one of them.
Public class QuotaLimitExceededException System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of QuotaLimitExceededException) is thrown when daily quota has been crossed. This can happen when:
  • Amount of API calls for day per organization is more than the daily quota
Public class SeveraApiException SeveraApiException is base class for specific exceptions.
Public class SeveraFaultExceptionTDetail SeveraFaultException is thrown when an exception happens in API.
Public class SoapApiIocModule  
Public class TosNotApprovedException System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of TosNotApprovedException) is thrown when the organization hasn't approved their TOS (Terms of Service) yet
Public class ValidationException System.ServiceModel.FaultException(Of ValidationException) is thrown when data is validated and it is not correct. This can happen for example when:
  • Entity is lacking needed information.
  • Entity contains information which is not valid.
Public class XmlSchemaExportT Abstract class for strict schema based XML file exports. Implements some basic magic that can be used. Works perfectly with files generated from XSD The type of (generated) schema object
Protected class XmlSchemaExportTNamespaceEmbeddedXmlResolver Resolves the needed resources from this namespace by the filename. Resources need to be set as embedded resources.
Public class XmlSchemaInvoiceExportT  
  Interface Description
Public interface IAccessRights Contains the Access rights operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IAccount Contains the Account operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IAccountGroup Contains the Account group operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IActivity Contains the Activity operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IActivityType Contains the Activity type operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IAddress Contains the Address operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IAPI Visma Severa's webservice API.
Public interface IBusinessUnit Contains the Business unit operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ICase Contains the Case operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ICaseStatus Contains the Case status operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ICompany Contains the Company operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IContact Contains the Contanct operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ICostCenter Contains the cost center operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ICountry Contains the Country operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ICurrency Contains the Currency operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ICustomer Contains the Customer (combined Account and Company) operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IEmployment Contains the Employment (Work contract) operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IExtranet Contains the Extranet operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IFile Contains the File operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IFinvoiceExport A bridge between the new generated schema exports and the ye olden hand crafted Finvoices. Also why not. To use between the versions instead of the concrete base class.
Public interface IFinvoiceFreeTextFormatter  
Public interface IFinvoiceUnitPriceFormattingStrategy  
Public interface IHeartbeat Contains the heartbeat operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IHourEntry Contains the Hour entry (Work hour entry) operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IIndustry Contains the Industry operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IInvoice Contains the Invoice operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IInvoiceExport Interface for exporting our invoice to some other formats
Public interface IInvoiceStatus Contains the Invoice status operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IItem Contains the Item operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ILanguage Contains the Language operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ILeadSource Contains the Lead source operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IOverTime Contains the Overtime operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IPhase Contains the Phase operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IPhaseMember Contains the Phase member operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IPricelist Contains the Pricelist operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IProduct Contains the Product and Travel expense operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IProductCategory Contains the Product category operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IResource Contains the Resource (Reservation) operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IResourceAllocation Contains the Resource allocation operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ISalesProcess Contains the Sales process operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ISalesStatus Contains the Sales status operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ITag Contains the Tag (Keyword) operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ITimeEntry Contains the TimeEntry operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ITimezone Contains the Timezone operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ITravelReimbursement Contains the Travel reimbursement operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface ITravelReimbursementStatus Contains the Travel reimbursement status operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IUser Contains the User operations exposed by the API service.
Public interface IWorkType Contains the Work type operations exposed by the API service.
  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AccountGetOptions When getting Accounts, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration AccountGroupGetOptions When getting Account groups, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration BusinessUnitGetOptions When getting business units, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration CaseGetOptions When getting cases, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration InvoiceGetOptions When getting invoices, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration InvoicePdfGetOptions When getting invoice PDF, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration PhaseGetOptions When getting phases, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration ProductCategoryGetOptions When getting product categories, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration ProductGetOptions When getting products, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration TravelReimbursementGetOptions When getting travel reimbursements, this limits the results returned.
Public enumeration UserGetOptions When getting users, this limits the results returned.