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IItem Interface

Contains the Item operations exposed by the API service.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+cc2a5357b8231e24c5fd7606bb1e71a1374ad1e9
public interface IItem

The IItem type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddNewExpenseToProductByPoNumber ADD-ON NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Adds a new sub expense to Item by its product number.
Public methodAddNewItem Adds a new Item.
Public methodAddNewItems Adds new Items.
Public methodDeleteItem Deletes an Item.
Public methodGetItemByGUID Gets an Item by GUID.
Public methodGetItemByPurchaseOrderNumber ADD-ON NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Gets an Item by purchaseorder number.
Public methodGetItemsByCaseGUID Gets Items by case.
Public methodGetItemsByInsertDate Gets inserted Items by date and time range.
Public methodGetItemsChangedSince Gets Items that have been updated after given given date.
Public methodGetReimbursedItemByGUID Gets an reimbursed Item by GUID.
Public methodGetReimbursedItemsChangedSince Gets Reimbursed Items that have been updated after given given date.
Public methodGetTravelExpensesByDate Gets Travel expenses for a business unit from the given time frame.
See Also