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ICase Interface

Contains the Case operations exposed by the API service.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0+cc2a5357b8231e24c5fd7606bb1e71a1374ad1e9
public interface ICase

The ICase type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddCaseMemberUser Adds a user as a member of a case.
Public methodAddNewBillingAndExpenseForecastToCase Adds a Billing And Expense Forecast to a case.
Public methodAddNewCase Adds a new case.
Public methodDeleteCase Deletes a case.
Public methodGetAllCases Gets all cases of the given business unit.
Public methodGetBillingAndExpenseForecastByCaseGUID Gets Billing and expense forecast of a case.
Public methodGetCaseByGUID Gets a Case by GUID.
Public methodGetCaseByNumber Gets a Case by number.
Public methodGetCaseByTaskGUID Gets a case to which a certain phase belongs to.
Public methodGetCaseMemberUsersByCaseGUID Gets all users who are members of a case.
Public methodGetCasesByAccountGUID Gets all Cases that belong to an account.
Public methodGetCasesChangedSince Gets cases that have been added or updated after given time.
Public methodUpdateBillingAndExpenseForecast Updates a Billing And Expense Forecast.
Public methodUpdateCase Updates a case.
See Also