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IAccountGetAllAccounts Method

Get accounts in tiny format. There can be thousands of accounts, depending on organization. This method is meant to be used in places where accounts need to be listed, and second API call is done to get detailed data.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0
List<AccountTiny> GetAllAccounts(
	AccountGetOptions options,
	int startFromIndex,
	int count


options  AccountGetOptions
Options, which act as additional criteria in the query, see AccountGetOptions enum.
startFromIndex  Int32
Starting index of result set, first is 0.
count  Int32
The amount of accounts to receive, maximum 10000 at a time.

Return Value

A list of TinyAccount objects.
AuthenticationFailureExceptionThe caller could not be authenticated.
GeneralFailureExceptionAny other fault.
See Also