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IAccountGetAccountsChangedSinceOpts Method

Gets accounts, which have been changed on the given time period.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0
List<Account> GetAccountsChangedSinceOpts(
	DateTime startDateTime,
	AccountGetOptions options


startDateTime  DateTime
Start date/time of the time period.
options  AccountGetOptions
Options, which act as additional criteria in the query, see AccountGetOptions enum.

Return Value

List of account objects.
OBSOLETED! Use GetAccountsChangedSince() instead. Enums are transferred via SOAP as strings. It is impossible to stack them with or-operator (|) Example: AccountGetOptions.CheckAddressChanges | AccountGetOptions.CheckContactChanges will not yield any parseable results on server end. Use GetAccountsChangedSince() with integer option instead.
See Also