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IPhaseDeletePhase Method

Deletes a Phase.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0
bool DeletePhase(
	string phaseGUID,
	string phaseGUIDToTransferItemsTo = null


phaseGUID  String
Phase GUID, identifies the phase that is deleted.
phaseGUIDToTransferItemsTo  String  (Optional)
Phase GUID, identifies phase to which child phases, activities and other children of the phase should be transferred to. Defaults to the parent of the phase, which is being deleted, if not given.

Return Value

True if phase was successfully deleted, otherwise false.
AuthenticationFailureExceptionThe caller could not be authenticated.
NoPermissionExceptionAPI user does not have permission to perform the action.
ValidationExceptionInput data was not valid.
GeneralFailureExceptionAny other fault.
The root level phase for a case can not be deleted. The phase to transfer children to needs to belong to the same case.
See Also