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IActivityGetActivityInstances Method

Gets activities, which match the given criteria.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0
ICollection<Activity> GetActivityInstances(
	string userGUID,
	DateTime? startsAfter,
	DateTime? startsBefore,
	DateTime? endsAfter,
	DateTime? endsBefore,
	string activityTypeGUID,
	string accountGUID,
	string caseGUID,
	int? firstRow,
	int? maxRows


userGUID  String
User GUID, owner of the activities.
startsAfter  NullableDateTime
The earliest date and time the activities can start (in UTC).
startsBefore  NullableDateTime
The latest date and time the activities can start (in UTC).
endsAfter  NullableDateTime
The earliest date and time the activities can end (in UTC).
endsBefore  NullableDateTime
The latest date and time the activities can end (in UTC).
activityTypeGUID  String
Activity type GUID.
accountGUID  String
Account GUID, account of the activities.
caseGUID  String
Case GUID, case of the activities.
firstRow  NullableInt32
Used for paging of the results. Specifies the index of the first item in the result set to retrieve. The first item has an index of 0.
maxRows  NullableInt32
Used for paging of the results. Specifies the maximum number of items to return. Must not be more than 200.

Return Value

A collection of activity objects that match the given criteria.
AuthenticationFailureExceptionThe caller could not be authenticated.
ValidationExceptionInput data was not valid.
GeneralFailureExceptionAny other fault.

This operation returns all occurrances of a recurring activity as separate activity objects.

Results can be paged by using the firstRow and maxRows parameters:

To get 100 rows at a time, set firstRow=0 and maxRows=100 for the first call.

To get next results, set firstRow=100 and maxRows=100 for the second call, and so on.

See Also