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IActivityGetActivitiesByDate Method

Gets activities, which occurs during the start and end date.

Namespace: Severa.API
Assembly: Severa.SOAP.API (in Severa.SOAP.API.dll) Version: 1.0.0
ICollection<Activity> GetActivitiesByDate(
	DateTime startDate,
	DateTime endDate,
	string activityCategory,
	string businessUnitGuid = null


startDate  DateTime
The activity will be included when it is in effect after given date and time (in UTC).
endDate  DateTime
The activity will be included when it is in effect before given date and time (in UTC).
activityCategory  String
One of the following: Absences, CalendarEntry, ToDo, ProjectTask, Personal.
businessUnitGuid  String  (Optional)
If given then only activities that belong to activity owner (user) who is in the given unit or any child unit in business unit hierarchy.

Return Value

A collection of activity objects that match the given criteria.
AuthenticationFailureExceptionThe caller could not be authenticated.
ValidationExceptionInput data was not valid.
GeneralFailureExceptionAny other fault.

This operation returns all occurrances of a recurring activity as separate activity objects.

See Also